Special Price - unitl 31.12.2010

1. Package selection

2. Option

3. Customer data

4. Finish order

Order Hear the Music

Please select the required HEAR THE MUSIC package.

One-off use

Only 89 € *

Period of contract 12 Weeks
Storage space 2 GB
Traffic 40 GB

More informationen and details

Set-up fee: 0 € *
One-off use Order

Yearly subscription

Only 649 € *

Period of contract 12 Month
Storage space 20 GB
Traffic 720 GB

More informationen and details

Set-up fee: 0 € *
Yearly subscription Order


Please feel free to contact us by email and send us your questions.


About Hear The Music

HEAR THE MUSIC is the simple, safe and cost-efficient web application for digital music promotion with an effective analysis of your promo mail-out process. HEAR THE MUSIC is aimed at record companies, small labels, promotion agencies, tour promoters and music publishers. HEAR THE MUSIC allows you to make your music products digitally available to your licensers, the media and business partners worldwide. Contact.

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